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Sunderland Community Lectures 2011 - Peter Edwards

Wednesday 29 Jun 11
Sir Tom Cowie Lecture Theatre
University of Sunderland
Prospect Building
Sir Tom Cowie Campus
St Peter's Way

Come along to the Sunderland Community Lectures which are running throughout Summer 2011.
The Sunderland Community Lectures are free. They are on Wednesday afternoon in the University of Sunderland's Sir Tom Cowie Lecture Theatre, Prospect Building, Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St.Peter's Way, Sunderland.

Guest Speaker - Peter Edwards
The Big Bang Machine
An experienced science communicator Pete co-ordinates the outreach programme of the Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics at Durham University. The aim of the outreach programme is to use the science that we do in the North East to engage and enthuse school children and the wider community and stimulate their interest.

The lectures commence at 2.30pm and are approximately one hour in duration. Please arrive in the Prospect Building between 2.00-2.30pm to register before the lecture begins. There is (pay) parking in the grounds of the campus. The St. Peter's Metro Station is within a few minutes walking distance. Alternatively the Stagecoach E1 (every 20 minutes from Park Lane Bus Station) will take you to Gladstone Terrace, which is only a few minutes from the the campus.

Brought to you by a partnership of the University of Sunderland, the Worker's Educational Association, the Wearside University of the Third Age, the Wearside Field Club, the Sunderland Heritage Forum and the Friends of Sunderland Museums.

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