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Make Do and Mend

Monday 20 Jun 11 - Saturday 20 Aug 11
Arts Centre Washington
Biddick Lane
NE38 8AB


Inspired by both the recent trends in design towards customisation and personalisation of domestic objects, and by the innovations for recycling and creative adaptation of existing objects during times of austerity such as 1940s Britain, Arts Centre Washington is inviting professional artists, designers and craftspeople to submit proposals to remake, remodel or recycle furniture for our times.

Using an existing piece of second hand household or office furniture we would like to invite you to submit your ideas for re-styling it using your own creative flair and artistic talent. This might involve the addition of some handmade extras, uniquely styled paint effects or a complete deconstruct ? reconstruct of the whole piece.

The aim of the exhibition is to highlight how an otherwise tired and defunct piece of furniture can be rejuvenated with a fresh contemporary twist giving it a new lease of life. Why buy new when you can make do and mend?

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